These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Don't be a jerk. Hate speech, discrimination, harassment, or oppression of members of marginalized groups of any kind is not tolerated.
If users post adult content, it must be marked with an appropriate Content Warning. The poster must have explicit written or verbal consent of everyone in the media.
No spam. No automated advertising of any kind.
Do not post anything which would violate the law in your home jurisdiction, under United States law, or Washington State law.
Respect the privacy of our users. Explicit consent is required before performing privacy-violating activities.
Abusive fediverse servers will be suspended from federation with
No stalking, mobbing, deadnaming, misgendering, and no contacting users who have made it clear they do not wish to be contacted.
No right or alt-right bullshit, Nazi content, or conspiracy narratives.